Senin, 29 Mei 2017

Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD)

What is OCD?
Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder where people feel the need to check things repeatedly, perform certain routines repeatedly (called "rituals"), or have certain thoughts repeatedly. Obsessive and compulsive are two separate problems, but they often occur together in the same individuals. Obsessive compulsive disorder is a disorders that involve obsessions and or compulsions. Obsession is anxiety-provoking thought that will not go away. They seem uncontrollable and even alien, as if they do not belong to the individuals mind. Thought such as a recurrent fear of losing control and killing someone or about having an incestuous sexual relationship can cause extreme anxiety. Compulsion is irresistible urges to engage in behaviors such as repeatedly touching a spot on ones shoulders, washing ones hands, or checking the lock on the door. If the individual tries to stop engaging in the behavior, he or she experiences an urgent anxiety until the behavior is resumed. Obsessions and compulsions are often found in the same person, like the person who compulsively washes his hand because he is obsessed with the thoughts about germs. About percent of all people with obsessive-compulsive disorder have both obsessions and compulsions, while 25 percent have only obsessions, and only 5 percent have only compulsions.
Symptoms of OCD obsession is something repetitive, strong and unwanted ideas, in the form of thoughts, images, or impulses that are held involuntarily and seem unreasonable. This obsession would typically interfere when we try to think of or do other things. This obsession usually have a specific theme, such as: afraid contaminated or afraid to dirt, Put all something in regular and symmetrical, Impulse aggressive or terrible, Images or mind sexual. Obsessive symptoms common in OCD include: afraid contaminated by germ or dirt or other pollutes, afraid loss control and harm self own or others, disturb mind d an picture sexual or violence, overemphasized on religious ideas and moral, afraid loss or no have somethings that might you need, regularity and symmetry: the idea that all something must march "Right", believe superstition, p erhatian excessive for something considered lucky or no lucky. While compulsive symptoms are encouragement OCD is repetitive behavior because they feel compelled to do so. The repetitive behavior intended to prevent or reduce anxiety associated with obsession. For example, if you believe have hurt someone with a car, then you can return to the scene over and over again because they can not get rid of your doubts. You can also create rules or rituals that can help control anxiety when it appears obsessive thoughts. Compulsions usually have a theme, such as: clean and wash, calculate, check, sue security, do the same action over and over, order. Compulsive Disorder symptoms common include: overrated in check things, such keys, tools, and switches, repeatedly checking in on loved ones for ensure they secure, counting, tapping, repeating certain words, or do things are not entry another reason for decrease worry, spend many time Wash or clean, reserve or set things "only so ", pray excessive or involved in ritual triggered by religious fears, gather "Junk" as newspaper former or container food blank.
Broadly speaking, OCD can be categorized into five types: first, checking OCD. Checking is an irrational fear that makes a person obsessed to check on something. OCD sufferers anticipate checking errors in the shadows by examining repeatedly. For example, someone who fears losing his wallet purse so check repeatedly. Then, contamination OCD. Contamination is the fear of disease and death in oneself and others loved. For example, someone who fears eating in public places for avoiding germs and infectious diseases, thus cleansing repeatedly spoon, fork and plate. After that, hoarding OCD . Hoarding is OCD that makes people collect items that are worthless for fear of bad things if the item is discarded. Hoarding OCD sufferers usually have very full so hard to find an empty spot. Fourth, rumination OCD. Rumination makes people think thoughts that are not productive but repetitive. The mind is usually associated with philosophy, religion, metaphysical. For example, someone who is always thinking about how life after death. And the last, symmetry and orderliness OCD. Symmetry and orderliness make people focus on set all the objects in parallel, serial, and symmetrical. For example, someone who likes to arrange the goods by size, color, and fonts, and get annoyed if the order has to be replaced or changed.
The cause of obsessive-compulsive disorder is not fully understood. There are several theories: first, biology. OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) may result from change chemistry naturally body or function brain. OCD also maybe Related with component genetic, but that these genes not yet identified. Second, environment. OCD can originated from related behaviors with Your habits learn from time to time. The last, lack of serotonin. The level of serotonin, one of one chemistry brain You may cause disruption obsessive-compulsive disorder. apart , people with disruption obsessive-compulsive drinking drugs that increase action of serotonin often have more a little OCD symptoms.
Factors that can increase the risk of developing or triggering obsessive-compulsive disorders include: one of theme is history of family. Have parents or member family more with disruption mentioned could increase risks OCD exposed. And then event stress in life. If You tend react excessive to stress, risk OCD exposed to increased. Reaction this can, for various reason spark mind and rituals are characteristics disruption emotion obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Treatment for this disorder include two things, counseling and treatment. Counseling can be done to cure the disease is cognitive-behavioral therapy. In this OCD therapy, the patient will be helped to overcome the problem with rational conversation and then continued with behavioral therapy for prevention. This counseling can help people to overcome her fears. For example, if a patient with a fear of germs then he will be invited to touch something that you believe has germs and wash hands. This is done continuously, while counselors will continue to provide OCD therapy in the form of cognitive therapy, which in turn makes your anxiety disappear. Therapy was quite difficult at first, but it will be successful. Then, treatment Typically used antidepressant medications for a while. Moreover given also Chlomipramine and Fluxomine. The second function of this drug is a sedative. It also serves to lower obesesional in patients.
OCD is a mental disorder where people feel the need to check things repeatedly, perform certain routines repeatedly (called "rituals"), or have certain thoughts repeatedly. OCD can be catagorized into five type, checking OCD, contamination OCD, hoarding OCD, rumination OCD, and Symmetry and orderliness OCD. The cause of obsessive-compulsive disorder are biologi, environment, and lack of serotonin. Treatment for OCD include tow things, counseling and treatment.

Benjamin B. Lahey, psychology an introduction, Lowa: Wm. C. brown Publisher, 1983

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